Price Waterhouse have traced the losses to lenders 'inflated assessments of mortgaged property. 普华永道会计师事务所已经查明损失源于贷方对按揭财产估值过高。
If a party does not register the mortgaged property, he may not defend against the claims of third party. 当事人未办理抵押物登记的,不得对抗第三人。
When mortgager loses the mortgaged property while claiming his mortgage right, he or she should he given compensation. 当物上保证人因为抵押权人行使抵押权而丧失其抵押物时,应当对其加以救济。
The claim of a mortgagee upon mortgaged property. If the time limit for making response is not met, the request for reexamination shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. 债权,要求权索回被抵押财产的抵押权的请求期满未答复的,该复审请求视为撤回;
If the mortgagor is not responsible for the decline in the value of the mortgaged property, the mortgagee may only demand that the mortgagor provide security to cover the loss resulting from the decline in value. 抵押人对抵押物价值减少无过错的,抵押权人只能在抵押人因损害而得到的赔偿范围内要求提供担保。
The mortgagee shall have the priority of compensation with respect to the receipts resulting from the disposal of the mortgaged property. 占有被抵押的财产或取消抵押财产的赎回权处分抵押财产所得,抵押权人有优先受偿权。
Proceeds obtained from assignment or lease of the mortgaged real property shall be paid to the mortgagee ahead of the scheduled date to pay off the mortgage. 抵押房地产转让或者出租所得价款,应当向抵押权人提早清偿所担保的债权。
Article 22 Before auctioning mortgaged building property, the mortgagee must notify the mortgagor and shall set the date for the latter to move out. 第二十二条承押人拍卖抵押的房产前,须通知抵押人并限定搬迁日期。
If a mortgagor leases the mortgaged property after the creation of the mortgage interest, the leasing relation may not be used against the registered mortgage interest. 抵押权设立后抵押财产出租的,该租赁关系不得对抗已登记的抵押权。
The mortgaged property is sealed up or seized; 抵押财产被查封、扣押;
Article 23 If the mortgagor rents the mortgaged building property to another person, he shall obtain the mortgagee's consent. 第二十三条抵押人如将抵押的房产租给他人,应征得承押人同意。
The compensation obtained for the loss or destruction shall be used as the mortgaged property. 因灭失所得的赔偿金,应当作为抵押财产。
1 to repay all expenses paid out as a result of the auction of the mortgaged building property; 一偿付因拍卖抵押房产而支出的一切费用;
Usury on the security of mortgaged land, which had been rampant in the period before Solon, had been curbed, as had also the inordinate concentration of property in land. 在梭伦以前的时代盛行的农村高利贷,以及地产的无限制的集中,都受到了节制。
A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property. 一种加速条款,要求在转让抵押财产所有权时,完全偿还抵押贷款余额。
If a party intends to register the mortgaged property, the notary department in the place where the mortgagor resides shall be the registration department. she left some of her personal effects in the house; I watched over their effects until they returned. 当事人办理抵押物登记的,登记部门为抵押人所在地的公证部门。
The liability to make compensation that the mortgagor shall bear if he causes damage to the mortgaged building property; (六)抵押人造成抵押房产损毁时应负的赔偿责任;
The debtor or the third party prescribed in the preceding paragraph is the mortgagor; the beneficiary is the mortgagee; the property provided as mortgage is the mortgaged property. 前款规定的债务人或者第三人为抵押人,受益人为抵押权人,提供抵押的财产为抵押物。
Article 21 If the mortgagor does not repay the loan as provided in the building property mortgage contract, the mortgagee has the right to sell the mortgaged building property through auction. 第二十一条抵押人不依照房产抵押合同规定偿还贷款,承押人有权拍卖抵押的房产。
With the development of the economy, the value and attribute of the mortgaged property is always changing and the property which may be mortgaged is increasingly added. 随着经济的发展,能作为担保的物的价值及属性是不断变化的,可用于抵押的财产日益增多。
On the Setting up the Scope of the Mortgaged Property 论抵押物范围的设置
Legal Regulation of the Treatment of the Mortgaged Property 试论买卖抵押物的法律调整
With the quickening pace of Chinese property rights legislation, it is becoming a vital issue to study priority thoroughly-the traditionally mortgaged property. 随着中国物权法的立法步伐的加快,深入研讨优先权这一传统担保物权已成为不容回避的问题。
As for the ownership of mortgaged property before marriage or after and the segmentation of the value ‐ added part, the judgments of the local courts in the area of specific case were not the same. 对于夫妻婚前或婚后按揭房产的权属界定及房屋增值部分的分割问题,全国各地方法院对本辖区内具体案件的判决结果却相同。
However, because of the low credit rating, the lack of the mortgaged property and the asymmetric information between commercial bank and enterprises, financing has been the main problem as a constraint to its survival and development. 但由于信用等级普遍较低、缺乏可抵押财产、商业银行与企业之间信息不对称等原因,融资难成为制约其生存和发展的主要问题。
Part One: An introduction to the problems of division of mortgaged house property in divorce cases which are educed by a real case. 第一章以一个案例引出离婚纠纷中对按揭房屋的处理所出现的问题。
Stage in the creation of the encumbered subject to the restrictions accordingly; the same time to expand our floating charge in the range of the mortgaged property; but also to build a sound system of notification of registration. 在创设阶段要对设押主体进行相应的限制;同时要扩大我国浮动抵押中抵押财产的范围;还要构建完善登记公示制度。
This section is designed to highlight the jus rerum to improvement of the realizable process. The mortgagee can be directly to the court for auction or liquidate the mortgaged property according to a mortgage contract. 本部分旨在突出《物权法》对抵押权实现程序的改进,抵押权人只要依据抵押合同和抵押权登记证书即可直接向法院申请拍卖、变卖抵押财产。
Floating mortgage system advantage is wide range includes the mortgaged property movable property, real estate, tangible assets, intangible assets and future property, registration in a flexible and easy, low cost. 浮动抵押制度的优势就是抵押财产范围广泛包含动产、不动产、有形资产、无形资产及未来财产,登记灵活、简便,成本低。
In bankruptcy proceedings, the usufruct of allotted land and buildings become mortgaged property, the mortgagee have the priority to achieve their claims. 在破产清偿程序中,划拨土地使用权与其地上建筑物依法成为担保财产,抵押权人有权用其优先实现债权。